About me
We always had dogs when I grew up and I considered myself quite experienced. Then I got my first own hunting dog Luna and somehow the available experience was far from worth mentioning.
I have tried several methods that were recommended by media and also consulted different dog trainers. In that progress I lost the remains of my intuition and problems were increasing and not decreasing.
By a happy chance, I found my way through the dog trainer jungle to a competent CANIS graduate who changed my perception of the relationship between Luna and me and the individual training she prepared for us gave us our freedom back.
My personal highlight was finally being able to take Luna with me horse riding.
Due to the amazing devolopment in a short time and because I anyhow needed a change in my working career, I started CANIS studies myself and I am today CANIS Absolventin and received a Certification for Qualified Dog Trainer by the Veterinarian Association in Schleswig Holstein.
By this certification I got the official permission according to paragraph 11 Tierschutzgesetz to professionally train dogs for third parties or instruct the training by the dog owner.
Further Education
I am attending at least 2 days training per year in order to gain knowledge on further dog or training releated subjects.
For details pleaser skip to the German version of his page.